Friedrich Weygand

*1.10.1911   18.9.1969

in Tübingen 1952-1954



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Friedrich Weygand studied chemistry at the university of Frankfurt. In 1936 he received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry for his dissertation “Synthese des Lactoflavins und anderer Flavine” in the group of Kuhn at the KWI for medicinal research in Heidelberg. After a postdoctoral stay with Sir Roboinson, Weygand worked on N-glycosides, the Amadori rearrangement, and, since 1940, on the mechanism of the osazon formation. Weygand got assigned professor at the university of Strasbourg. After having been interned in the USA, he returned to Freudenberg at the university of Heidelberg. His successful work lead to the appointment of a position at Wittig’s institute in Tübingen. In 1955, Weygand was assigned ordinarius at the university of Berlin where he worked on the biosynthesis of leucopterins.


Since 1982, the Max-Bergmann-Kreis is awarding the Friedrich-Weygand-Prize for young researches.